From truck to site: New Mix Concrete deliver your concrete exactly where you need it

By April 24, 2023Blogs, News

Construction projects of all sizes require the delivery of concrete. From large commercial or industrial building sites to modest domestic properties, the majority of construction projects receive deliveries of concrete.

For large construction sites with many contractors, the unloading of concrete from a truck without transportation to where it is needed on site is fairly common. However, when it comes to smaller sites such as a domestic back garden or a small industrial plot where there is less of a labour resource and fewer items of equipment, having to transfer the concrete from the truck to exactly where it is needed can cause problems and delays.

At New Mix Concrete we understand the issues that having to transfer concrete from the truck can cause. For that reason, instead of just unloading the concrete from our truck, we transfer it directly to where it will be used on site using wheelbarrows. Most concrete companies only unload the concrete, leaving it up to the client to transfer it to where they need it.

From truck to site: New Mix Concrete deliver your concrete exactly where you need it

Why do New Mix Concrete deliver concrete directly to the project plot?


We deliver concrete directly to the project plot because we empathise with the challenges that our clients face. This drives us to simplify our processes. Since its inception in 1983, it has been the goal of New Mix Concrete to collaborate with our clients and, where possible, make their projects easier to manage. Transferring the concrete they have bought from us to site is one such way we can add value to our service.

It is also key that we keep our barrow mix concrete affordable. We don’t charge for our labour or equipment used to transfer the concrete from the mixer to the project site. As our client, not only do you avoid additional costs, you can also utilise your workers on other areas of the project instead of having to take them off to handle the concrete, which helps to keep your project on track both in terms of time and cost.


Other cost benefits of working with New Mix Concrete


To avoid concern over hidden costs such as wastage and labour, we charge a fixed rate per m³ of barrow mix for complete transparency, and to allow you to manage your costings more easily.

For smaller build projects you shouldn’t be penalised simply because you use less concrete than larger builds. To ensure you only pay for what you need, we use our mobile batching units to make your concrete more affordable. We use a digital meter to measure the amount of concrete being produced to avoid producing more than you need and reduce wastage.


New Mix Concrete deliver concrete directly to the project plot


Using barrow mix from New Mix Concrete is hassle-free


  • The alternative to using wheelbarrows to handle the movement of concrete is for the client to hire a pump. This comes at a cost and is often uneconomical for smaller projects.
  • Before you place your order you can use our online concrete calculator to order the exact volume of concrete you need by entering the dimensions of your project area. This avoids over-ordering and waste.
  • At New Mix Concrete we provide installation guides to help our clients once they have taken delivery of their barrow mix. They contain information on sub base preparation and compaction, site access, laying concrete, concrete finishes and concrete curing.


Choose New Mix Concrete for your barrow mix


For more information on how New Mix Concrete can help with your small build project, get in touch by emailing



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